In the heart of Grantham town, overlooking St Peter’s Hill green, you will find Grantham Museum, a free attraction, and a must visit. The museum aims to educate, inform, and inspire their visitors by showcasing the history and culture of Grantham and surrounding areas. They also host a range of workshops, activities, and talks!
It is with thanks to their team of volunteers that the museum operates and is open to the public for free every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10am to 4pm. The museum is often open for special events as well, such as the Grantham Christmas Market.
Inside the museum you will find exhibitions about the famous women of Grantham such as Margaret Thatcher, the first female Prime Minister and Edith Smith, a pioneering police officer and the first female with powers of arrest in Britain. You can read more about the Inspirational Women of South Kesteven here: Inspirational Women in South Kesteven | Discover South Kesteven
An exhibition explores the life of legendary physicist Sir Isaac Newton, who lived nearby at Woolsthorpe Manor and went to school in Grantham.
Within the museum there is a small gift shop, and you can purchase hot and cold drinks to enjoy with a biscuit or two in their refreshments space.
There are lots of exciting events upcoming at the museum such as the monthly reminisce sessions, which are open for all to come along to. The museum encourage people to bring along photos and items that remind them of Grantham’s past. These sessions are often focused on a theme such as school days, pubs, fashion, and even local ghost stories!
On the 30th May from 11am to 2pm, the museum is hosting a children’s archaeology day. Go along to dig for fossils, do a scavenger hunt and crafts and colouring. This event is £2 per child, and you shall need to email the museum to book:
A new addition to Grantham Museum, is a community cabinet, which was provided thanks to funding from the Historic England through the Grantham High Street Heritage Action Zone. Its aim is to allow community groups to showcase their own collections and celebrate their history. The museum team are keen to hear from any businesses, schools, groups, and teams to get involved, and can help groups to transform their collection into an exhibition!
There is always something happening at the museum, so make sure you follow them on social media to keep up with the latest news. They are on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), and Instagram. You can also check out their website: Grantham Museum – Explore Local History They are always on the look out for new volunteers and the website is where you can express interest.
Do go along for a visit, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did, with the half term only next week, it’s the perfect time!
@discoversk Come and look around Grantham museum with us, which is free to visit! #SouthKesteven #Grantham #Museum #HelloSK #Historic #fyp #Lincolnshire #Free #ThingsToDo #MuseumTok #museummoment